Monday, January 6, 2020

Causes And Treatment Of Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory Breast cancer, also known as IBC, is a rare type of cancer that attacks the body violently. The cancer cells block lymphatic vessels so the breast looks inflamed which is where it gets its name. IBC is one to five percent of breast cancer diagnosed in the United States. In a matter of weeks to months Inflammatory breast cancer is already at stage III or IV at time of diagnosis. It seems to be diagnosed at a younger age than most breast cancers. The median age is fifty-seven for IBC and sixty-seven for other breast cancer. It is more common in African American women than white women and is diagnosed at a younger age in African Americans. The average is fifty-four years old. It is more common in obese women than normal weight. It can be also be found in males (â€Å"Inflammatory Breast Cancer,† April 18, 2012). One symptom is abnormal warmth of affected breast. The others are enlargement of breast, redness that involves more than one third of the breast, thickening of skin on the breast, pitting or ridging of skin, like an orange peel, and can become harder than the other (â€Å"Signs and Symptoms,† August 28, 2014). The symptoms can worsen in a few days to even a few hours. These symptoms are very common to those of mastitis, and cellulitis. Mastitis and cellulitis are caused by bacteria and can be treated easily by antibiotics. If you are diagnosed with either of the above infections and it is not responding to medication then go see a breast professional.Show MoreRelatedInformative Essay : Inflammatory Breast Cancer Essay1736 Words   |  7 PagesInflammatory Breast Cancer Working as a nurse on a busy inpatient oncology unit can be rewarding. It is busy. It can be crazy. I see things that I would have never thought possible. Around Thanksgiving of 2012 I had a lady that came into the hospital with a host of problems. 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